Rooted in Welcome

Creating a community where immigrants can grow roots and thrive in Spokane.

Affordable Legal Aid

Manzanita Immigrant Legal Aid works with and for the immigrant community in Spokane to build stability and strength by providing low-cost, accessible legal services.

Connecting immigrants to essential services in Spokane

Our Referral Hub serves as a comprehensive source of support for immigrants and former refugees - connecting individuals to essential services via local community partners and providers. It also facilitates workshops, hosts events and offers relevant education opportunities.

Get Involved

Make a donation.

Help bring about a future where all immigrants are thriving as free and full participants in our Spokane community. Your donation helps us provide legal services at low-cost and expand Manzanita House programming.

Thank you for your support!


As an emerging nonprofit, we are excited to partner with individuals and organizations in the Spokane community to further our mission. Our capacity for volunteers is limited at this time, but we would love to connect with you to see if your skills fit a need. We are always looking for ways to collaborate.